White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Putin's Gas Price Hike


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The Washington Waterfront
Wednesday, March 9, 2022


The White House Garden Event of Former First Lady Michelle Obama in Washington, DC, USA. | White House Photo by Karen Ann Carr, Producer, Editor, Designer, Video Engineer, Correspondent / TheWhiteHouseSpin.com / SPIN PUBLISHING


White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki
On Putin's Gas Price Hike


White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki
Reported by Karen Ann Carr

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki breaks down what the President Joseph Biden's Russian oil ban means for Americans, the steps we're taking to mitigate the pain American families feel at the pump, and the United States of America's strong domestic oil production under President Biden's Administration.




United States President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
On Depriving Russian President Putin of the Economic Resource



President Joseph Biden On Blocking Import of Russian Oil, Liquefied Natural Gas, and Coal to United States of America
Reporte by Karen Ann Carr

Yesterday, President Joseph Biden signed an Executive Order to ban the import of Russian oil, liquefied natural gas, and coal to the United States – a significant action with widespread bipartisan support that will further deprive President Putin of the economic resources he uses to continue his needless war of choice.





In the morning on Thursday, March 10, President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. will receive the President’s Daily Brief at 9:30 AM EST.  

Then at 10:00 AM EST, President Biden will hold a White House Oval Office phone call with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey to discuss the latest developments regarding Russia and Ukraine.  

In the afternoon at 1:40 PM, President Biden will welcome His Excellency Iván Duque Márquez, President of the Republic of Colombia, to the White House to celebrate 200 years of positive diplomatic relations and consult on a range of regional and global issues of mutual interest. During their bilateral meeting, the leaders plan to reaffirm the bilateral relationship and discuss COVID-19 response and future pandemic preparedness, economic recovery, and regional responses to migration. This meeting will be convened at the White House Cabinet Room in Washington, DC, USA.  

In the evening at 7:15 PM, President Biden will present remarks to Democratic National Committee members during their Winter Meeting at the Washington Hilton, Washington, DC on Thursday, March 10, 2022.






At 10:15 AM CEST, Vice President Kamala Devi Harris will hold a bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki. This meeting will be convened at the Cloak Room of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland.  

At 11:10 AM CEST, Vice President Harris will hold a bilateral meeting with the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda. This meeting will be convened at Pompeian Hall at Belwelder Palace.  

At 12:30 PM CEST, Vice President Harris will participate in a press availability with President Andrzej Duda.  

At 2:45 PM CEST, Vice President Harris will participate in a roundtable with people displaced from Ukraine. This roundtable is being convened at the American School of Warsaw.  

At 5:00 PM CEST, Vice President Harris will meet with staff from the U.S Embassies in Kyiv and Warsaw at the American School of Warsaw.  

At 6:50 PM CEST, Vice President Harris will hold a bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau. This meeting is in Warsaw, Poland.  

Vice President Harris will remain overnight in Warsaw, Poland.






At 12:45 PM, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki will convene the White House Press Briefing on Thursday, March 10, 2022.





On Thursday, March 10, 2022, Second Gentleman Mr. Douglas Emhoff, Esq. will participate in two Democratic National Committee finance events in Florida.  

At 9:00 AM ET, Mr. Emhoff will present remarks at a Democratic National Committee finance event in Miami Beach, Florida.  

At 1:00 PM ET, Mr. Emhoff will present remarks at a Democratic National Committee finance event in Miami, Florida.





Ukrainian Red Cross at work in besieged Mariupol



Associated Press

Workers from the Ukrainian Red Cross have been visiting people in shelters and distributing aid in Mariupol, amid a growing humanitarian crisis in the besieged port city. (Mar. 09)



March 9, 2022

NEC Director Brian Deese and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on New Digital Assets Executive Order

"Today President Biden signed an Executive Order (E.O.) to establish the first-ever comprehensive federal digital assets strategy for the United States. The E.O. will help position the U.S. to keep playing a leading role in the innovation and governance of the digital assets ecosystem at home and abroad, in a way that protects consumers, is consistent with our democratic values and advances U.S. global competitiveness.  

This Executive Order marks an intensification of our efforts to promote responsible innovation in the digital assets space – innovation that works for all Americans, protects our national security interests, and contributes to our economic competitiveness and growth. Fundamentally, an American approach to digital assets is one that encourages innovation but mitigates the risks to consumers, investors, and businesses, broader financial stability, and the environment. We are clear-eyed that “financial innovation” of the past has too often not benefited working families, while exacerbating inequality and increasing systemic financial risk. This history underscores the need to build robust consumer and economic protections into digital asset development.  

The approach outlined in the E.O. will reinforce U.S. leadership in the global financial system and safeguard the long-term efficacy of critical national security tools like sanctions and anti-money laundering frameworks. To these ends, the Order identifies the Administration’s policy priorities, both for cryptocurrencies and any future U.S. central bank digital currency, to help guide the evolution of the digital asset ecosystem in a way that is consistent with our values.  

Governments alone cannot solve these problems, and definitely not a government that operates in siloes. This E.O. is the product of months of work with stakeholders across government, industry, advocacy, academia, and international allies and partners – to identify actions we can take to foster responsible innovation in the digital asset ecosystem. Its implementation will leverage the knowledge and distinct expertise of a broad range of stakeholders across the White House and Executive departments and agencies, and regulatory agencies. We remain committed to working with allies, partners, and the broader digital asset community to shape the future of digital asset systems in a manner that is safe, inclusive, and consistent with our democratic values. As this ecosystem evolves, so too will our approach."





President Biden Announces Actions to Continue to Hold Russia Accountable



President Biden Announces Actions to Continue to Hold Russia Accountable
Reported by Karen Ann Carr

President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. announces actions that continue to hold Russia accountable for its "Unprovoked and Unjustified War on Ukraine." President Biden presented these remarks at The White House in Washington, DC, USA on Tuesday, March 8, 2022.



March 8, 2022

President Joseph Biden Announcing U.S. Ban on Imports of Russian Oil, Liquefied Natural Gas, and Coal

The White House Roosevelt Room
11:25 A.M. EST ~ 11:37 A.M. EST

PRESIDENT JOSEPH ROBINETTE BIDEN, JR.: "Good morning, folks. Sorry to keep you waiting. I was on a couple of phone calls.  

Today I’m announcing the United States is targeting the main artery of Russia’s economy.  

We’re banning all imports of Russian oil and gas and energy.  

That means Russian oil will no longer be acceptable at U.S. ports, and the American people will deal another powerful blow to Putin’s war machine.  

This is a move that has strong bipartisan support in the Congress and, I believe, in the country.  

Americans have rallied support -- have rallied to support the Ukrainian people and made it clear we will not be part of subsidizing Putin’s war.  

This made -- we made this decision in close consultation with our Allies and our partners around the world, particularly in Europe, because a united response to Putin’s aggression has been my overriding focus, to keep all NATO and all of the EU and our allies totally united.  

We’re moving forward on this ban, understanding that many of our European Allies and partners may not be in a position to join us.  

The United States produces far more oil domestically than all of European -- all the European countries combined. In fact, we’re a net exporter of energy. So we can take this step when others cannot.  

But we’re working closely with Europe and our partners to develop a long-term strategy to reduce their dependence on Russian energy as well.  

Our teams are actively discussing how to make this happen. And today, we remain united -- we remain united in our purpose to keep pressure mounting on Putin and his war machine.  

This is a step that we’re taking to inflict further pain on Putin. But there will be costs as well here in the United States. I said I would level with the American people from the beginning. And when I first spoke to this, I said defending freedom is going to cost -- it’s going to cost us as well, in the United States.  

Republicans and Democrats understand -- alike understand that. Republicans and Democrats alike have been clear that we must do this.  

Over the last week, I’ve spoken with President Zelenskyy several times to hear from him about the situation on the ground and to consult and continuing to consult with our European allies and -- about U.S. support for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.  

Thus far, we’ve provided more than $1 billion in security assistance to Ukraine. Shipments of defensive weapons are arriving in Ukraine every day from the United States. And we, the United States, are the ones coordinating the delivery of our Allies and partners of similar weapons, from Germany to Finland to the Netherlands. We’re accom- -- we’re -- we’re working that out.  

We’re also providing humanitarian support for the Ukrainian people, both those still in Ukraine and those who have fled safely to a neighboring country.  

We’re working with humanitarian organizations to surge tens of thousands of tons of food, water, and medical supplies into Ukraine, and with more on the way.  

Over the weekend, I sent Secretary Blinken to visit our border between -- the border Poland and Ukraine and to Moldova to see what the situation was firsthand and report back.  

General Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of our Defense Department, is also -- was also in Europe, meeting with his counterparts and Allies on NATO’s eastern flank to reassure them -- those countries bordering Russia, NATO countries -- that we will keep our NATO commitment -- a sacred commitment to Article -- of Article 5.  

The Vice President Harris is going to be traveling to meet with our allies in Poland and Romania later this week as well.  

I’ve made it clear that the United States will share in the responsibility of caring for the refugees so the costs do not fall entirely on the European countries bordering Ukraine.  

And yesterday I spoke with my counterparts from France, Germany, and the United Kingdom about Russia’s escalating violence against Ukraine and the steps that we’re going to take together with our Allies and partners around the world to respond to this aggression.  

We are enforcing the most significant package of economic sanctions in history, and it’s causing significant damage to Russia’s economy.  

It has caused the Russian economy to, quite frankly, crater. The Russian ruble is now down to 50 percent -- by 50 percent since Putin announced his war. One ruble is now worth less than one American penny. One ruble is less than one American penny.  

And preventing Russia’s Central Bank from propping up the ruble and to keep its value up. They’re not going to be able to do that now.  

We cut Russia’s largest banks from the international financial system, and it’s crippled their ability to do business with the rest of the world.  

In addition, we’re choking off Russia’s access to technology, like semiconductors that are -- and sap its economic strength and weaken its military for years to come.  

Major companies are pulling out of Russia entirely, without even being asked -- not by us. Over the weekend, Visa, Mastercard, American Express -- they all suspended their services in Russia. All of them.  

Joining a growing list of American and global companies from Ford to Nike to Apple, they’ve suspended their operations in Russia.  

The U.S. stock exchange has halted trading of many Russian securities. And the private sector is standing united against Russia’s vicious war of choice.  

The U.S. Department of Justice has assembled a dedicated task force to go after Russian -- the crimes of Russian oligarchs.  

And we’re joining with our European allies to find and seize their yachts, their luxury apartments, their private jets, and all their ill-begotten gains to make sure they share in the pain of Putin’s war.  

These, by the way, are giant yachts. You put some of them in your press. I mean, some of them are -- I think I read one was over 400 feet long. I mean, it’s -- this is worth hundreds of millions of dollars.  

The decision today is not without cost here at home. Putin’s war is already hurting American families at the gas pump.  

Since Putin began his military buildup on Ukrainian borders, just since then, the price of the gas at the pump in America went up 75 cents. And with this action, it’s going to go up further.  

I’m going to do everything I can to minimize Putin’s price hike here at home. In coordination with our partners, we've already announced that we’re releasing 60 million barrels of oil from our joint oil reserves. Half of that -- 30 billion -- million -- excuse me -- is coming from the United States.  

And we’re taking steps to ensure the reliable supply of global energy.  

And we’re also going to keep working with every tool at our disposal to protect American families and businesses.  

Now, let me -- let me say this. To the oil and gas companies and to the finance firms that back them: We understand Putin’s war against the people of Ukraine is causing prices to rise. We get that. That’s self-evident. But -- but, but, but -- it’s no excuse to exercise excessive price increases or padding profits or any kind of effort to exploit this situation or Ameri- -- or American consumers -- exploit them.  

Russia’s aggression is costing us all, and it’s no time for profiteering or price gouging.  

I want to be clear about what we’ll not tolerate, but I also want to acknowledge those firms in oil and gas industries that are pulling out of Russia and joining other businesses that are leading by example.  

This is a time when we have to do our part and make sure we’re not taking -- we’re not taking advantage.  

Look, let me be clear about two other points. First, it’s simply not true that my administration or policies are holding back domestic energy production. That’s simply not true.  

Even amid the pandemic, companies in the United States pumped more oil during my first year in office than they did during my predecessor’s first year.  

We’re approaching record levels of oil and gas production in the United States, and we’re on track to set a record of oil production next year.  

In the United States, 90 percent of onshore oil production takes place on land that isn’t owned by the federal government. And of the remaining 10 percent that occurs on federal land, the oil and gas industry has millions of acres leased. They have 9,000 permits to drill now. They could be drilling right now, yesterday, last week, last year. They have 9,000 to drill onshore that are already approved.  

So let me be clear -- let me be clear: They are not using them for production now. That’s their decision. These are the facts. We should be honest about the facts.  

Second, this crisis is a stark reminder: To protect our economy over the long term, we need to become energy independent.  

I've had numerous conversations over the last three months with our European friends of how they have to wean themselves off of Russia -- Russian oil. It’s just not -- it’s just not tenable.  

It should motivate us to accelerate the transition to clean energy. This is a perspective, as I said, that our European allies share and the -- a future where together we can achieve greater independence.  

Loosening environmental regulations or pulling back clean energy investment won’t -- let me explain -- won’t -- will not lower energy prices for families. But transforming our economy to run on electric vehicles powered by clean energy with tax credits to help American families winterize their homes and use less energy, that will -- that will help.  

And if we can -- if we do what we can, it will mean that no one has to worry about the price at the gas pump in the future.  

That’ll mean tyrants like Putin won’t be able to use fossil fuels as weapons against other nations.  

And it will make America a world leader manufacturing and exporting clean energy technologies of the future to countries all around the world.  

This is the goal we should be racing toward.  

Over the last two weeks, the Ukrainian people have inspired the world -- and I mean that in a literal sense. They’ve inspired the world with their bravery, their patriotism, their defiant determination to live free.  

Putin’s war -- Putin’s war has caused enormous suffering and needless loss of life of women, children, everyone in Ukraine -- both Ukraine and, I might add, Russians.  

Ukrainian leaders, as well as leaders around the world, have repeatedly called for a ceasefire, for humanitarian relief, for real diplomacy. But Putin seems determined to continue on his murderous path no matter the cost.  

Putin is now targeting cities and has been targeting cities and civilians -- schools, hospitals, apartment buildings.  

Last week, he attacked the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, with an apparent disregard for the potential of triggering a nuclear meltdown.  

He has already turned 2 million Ukrainians into refugees.  

Russia may continue to grind out its advance at a horrible price, but this much is already clear: Ukraine will never be a victory for Putin.  

Putin may be able to take a city, but he’ll never be able to hold the country. And if we do not respond to Putin’s assault on global peace and stability today, the cost of freedom and to the American people will be even greater tomorrow.  

So we’re going to continue to support the brave Ukrainian people as they fight for their country. And I call on Congress to pass the $12 billion Ukraine assistance package that I have asked them for of late.  

The Ukrainian people are demonstrating by their physical courage that they are not about to just let Putin take what he wants. That’s clear. They’ll defend their freedom, their democracy, their lives.  

And we’re going to keep providing security assistance, economic assistance, and humanitarian assistance. We’re going to support them against tyranny, oppression, violent acts of subjugation.  

People everywhere -- and I think it’s maybe even surprised some of you all -- people everywhere are speaking up for freedom. And when the history of this war is written, Putin’s war on Ukraine will have left Russia weaker and the rest of the world stronger.  

May God bless all those heroes of Ukraine. And now I'm off to Texas. Thank you very, very much."  

(Cross-talk by reporters.)  

"I know there's a lot of que- --"  

QUESTION: "Mr. President, will you cut off trade with Russia? Will you cut off trade with Russia?"  

PRESIDENT BIDEN: "I know -- I know there's a lot of questions, but there's a lot more that has to be made clear. And I'm going to hold on that until we get more information. Thank you. Appreciate it."




March 8, 2022

President Joseph Biden On the Shooting at East High School


Yesterday afternoon, as the school day was coming to a close, three students were shot in a drive-by shooting outside East High School in Des Moines, Iowa. One young man—just 15 years old—was tragically killed. Jill and I pray for his family and for everyone impacted by yet another senseless act of gun violence.  

A half dozen suspects have been arrested for their alleged involvement in the shooting, and we are grateful to Des Moines law enforcement and first responders for their quick work and professionalism.  

But these swift arrests cannot obscure the reality that too many families have had to bury a piece of their soul after yet another tragic shooting. It comes less than a month after we marked four years since the shooting at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, and three months after the shooting at Oxford High School in Oakland County, Michigan. Between these tragedies are shootings that happen every day without making headlines.  

Enough. Our young people should be safe in and around school, in their neighborhoods, and in their homes. Every American should be able to visit a house of worship, a grocery store, a night club, or any other place without fear of being gunned down. That too many cannot is a stain on our national character and an urgent call to action.  

Last June, I put forward a comprehensive national strategy to reduce gun violence. In carrying out this strategy, I have taken more executive action to reduce gun violence than any other president in their first year in office—more than a dozen necessary actions, from cracking down on gun trafficking and rogue gun dealers, to promoting safe firearm storage, to reining in the proliferation of hard-to-trace “ghost guns” that can be bought online and made at home. Now, Congress must do its job. As I reiterated in my State of the Union address last week, it is up to Congress to pass proven measures to reduce gun violence—including universal background checks, a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and a repeal of the liability shield protecting gun manufacturers who knowingly put weapons of war on our streets. These laws don’t infringe on the Second Amendment, but they will save lives.  

May God bless the lives that have been lost or forever altered.




March 9, 2022

NEC Director Brian Deese and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on New Digital Assets Executive Order

"Today President Biden signed an Executive Order (E.O.) to establish the first-ever comprehensive federal digital assets strategy for the United States. The E.O. will help position the U.S. to keep playing a leading role in the innovation and governance of the digital assets ecosystem at home and abroad, in a way that protects consumers, is consistent with our democratic values and advances U.S. global competitiveness.  

This Executive Order marks an intensification of our efforts to promote responsible innovation in the digital assets space – innovation that works for all Americans, protects our national security interests, and contributes to our economic competitiveness and growth. Fundamentally, an American approach to digital assets is one that encourages innovation but mitigates the risks to consumers, investors, and businesses, broader financial stability, and the environment. We are clear-eyed that “financial innovation” of the past has too often not benefited working families, while exacerbating inequality and increasing systemic financial risk. This history underscores the need to build robust consumer and economic protections into digital asset development.  

The approach outlined in the E.O. will reinforce U.S. leadership in the global financial system and safeguard the long-term efficacy of critical national security tools like sanctions and anti-money laundering frameworks. To these ends, the Order identifies the Administration’s policy priorities, both for cryptocurrencies and any future U.S. central bank digital currency, to help guide the evolution of the digital asset ecosystem in a way that is consistent with our values.  

Governments alone cannot solve these problems, and definitely not a government that operates in siloes. This E.O. is the product of months of work with stakeholders across government, industry, advocacy, academia, and international allies and partners – to identify actions we can take to foster responsible innovation in the digital asset ecosystem. Its implementation will leverage the knowledge and distinct expertise of a broad range of stakeholders across the White House and Executive departments and agencies, and regulatory agencies. We remain committed to working with allies, partners, and the broader digital asset community to shape the future of digital asset systems in a manner that is safe, inclusive, and consistent with our democratic values. As this ecosystem evolves, so too will our approach."





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