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The Washington Waterfront
Wednesday, March 16, 2022



Virtual Address to U.S. Congress by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky


We Are Going To See Things We Never Thought We Would See
Reported by Karen Ann Carr

Comments from US Congress Members following Ukrainian President Zelensky Address Wednesday, March 16, 2022. "I Call for You to Do More" ~ Ukrainian President Zelensky during Addresses to U.S. Congress. STOP THE DELAY!



Comments from US Congress Members following Ukrainian President Zelensky Address Wednesday, March 16, 2022.


"I Call for You to Do More" ~ Ukrainian President Zelensky during Addresses to U.S. Congress - 3-16-2022
Reported by Karen Ann Carr

Immediately, the United States should help Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to create a "No Fly Zone." | The World must not wait more hours or days or months! | Genocide is going on in Ukraine. | Stop the revenue from every source going to Ukraine! | Money should not be an issue. | Weapons to Ukraine should not be an issue. | United States should stop all evil be implemented in Ukraine. | What did you do when the mothers and babies were killed in Ukraine. | Lethal Drones, S300 (S300-Hundreds) | Dial up the sanctions. | Close the skys over Ukraine. |




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